Brown Butter Cinnamon Rolls

The next time you need to soothe yourself, try spreading vanilla butter on brioche dough.

First of all, it smells like you browned butter until it was toasty and nutty and then stirred in vanilla - which is exactly what you did! Second, you left the butter at room temperature so it was perfectly spreadable (why do Americans keep butter in the fridge? I’m as guilty as the next American, but what is wrong with this country? Don’t answer that.) Third, the brioche dough itself is basically made of butter, so on some molecular level all that butter is interlocking for the smoothest possible glide. Lastly, it’s the perfect task for your offset spatula, which is my number 3 all time favorite kitchen utensil (Spatulas actually sweep the top 3 - #1 is fish spatula and #2 is regular old rubber spatula).

Spreading vanilla butter on brioche dough is cheaper than therapy. It’s cheaper than the skincare serum that’s finally gonna sort out your pH balance. It’s cheaper than a boutique fitness class. Oh, you don’t do yoga? Fine, It’s cheaper than Planet Fitness or whatever gym you skip even though they have your credit card on file. It’s cheaper than a hair cut. It’s cheaper than whatever you currently think is gonna make you a better person.

In fact, this recipe costs just $8.29 to make. Yes, I made a spreadsheet. For the low, low price of $8.29 you can spread vanilla butter on brioche dough, sprinkle it with brown sugar and cinnamon, bake it, slather it with cream cheese frosting, and have a guaranteed good time.

But that’s just some free advice.

Recipe from the cookbook Pastry Love, by Joanne Chang.


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