Ginger Mango Cream Tart

This is my Meals By Maeve retirement video.*

If you would like to see where Meals By Maeve peaked, please watch on a loop the clip where I remove the first slice of this tart.

Of all of the desserts I have ever sliced, nary a pie, cake, or tart has ever come out that clean. And that’s fine, this is a home kitchen not a studio. A perfect first slice is a “nice to have,” not a “need to have.” Some very experienced bakers (namely Erin Jean McDowell) even advocate for a sacrificial sliver in order to maximize the chances of a truly great second slice. But some days, you walk in the light.

This first slice is like finding a new pair of go-to jeans. When two great songs come on the radio in a row. When you have a good hair day the same night you have a date (that’s a true story, although my hair turned out to be a lot nicer than the guy - ZING!) When the middle seat doesn’t show up. The Friday night of a three-day weekend. Hitting all the green lights. When you find what you lost. This first slice is when good things happen to good people and for a brief moment you have faith that there is purpose and reason in the world.

And so, like Seinfeld and Sex and the City (the series), I am going out on top. Remember me fondly. Hold Daisy, Sourdoughgan, and fish spatula close in your heart. Bake for yourselves and always for others. And may you one day know the bliss of a perfect first slice.

*Jk. But if I were gonna retire MBM, this video would be my swan song.

Recipe from Erin Jeanne McDowell for New York Times Cooking.


Sourdoughgan English Muffins

